Sunday 15 April 2012

Pizza Pie!

The Mister's favourite food is pizza.  He could eat it everyday if I let him, truly.  I'm sure he's like most other men who would much rather order pizza  and build forts from the left over boxes.  So, being the loving Lady I am, I give into his pizza addiction and we make it home!

We've tried a couple of different recipes for pizza dough and it's been quite the evolution.  The first pizza we ever made was a hot mess...HOT mess.  So, it's been a process of love and health! It's been important for us to try to find healthier versions of take away.

So, a recipe that we usually use is from All Recipes.  It is truly An Amazing Whole Wheat Pizza! I add in an extra cup of whole wheat flour (2 1/2 cups)  instead of white flour (1 cup).  I also use our bread machine to make the dough.  When we first started out, I used to make it from scratch (such a process!).  But having a bread machine makes life SO much easier. Start with the ingredients, add the oil (butter), then salt/sugar, flour and yeast.  Then you set it dough on the machine.  It is pretty easy-peasy!

The most recent dough recipe we've found is from Robbie's Recipe.  The Mister was after an incredibly thin and crispy pizza. This recipe is just that!  I doubled the recipe so we could have left overs.  It doubles wonderfully!  Once again, we made the dough in the bread machine.  After the machine does the hard work, I turn the oven on (full whack!), and split the dough in two even balls, put some olive oil (less than 1tbs) in each bowl and flipped the dough around (covering it in the oil so it doesn't stick to the bowl) and let it rest on top of the hot oven while I fix all of the toppings.

Anyway! This pizza turned out beautifully!!!! Check it out!

 The Mister had to get a picture cutting it!

A sign of a good pizza is that it can hold up under the great weight of the toppings you put on it... this one passed the test with flying colours!

What's your favourite topping to have on pizza? 

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